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Minding My Own Mind

Wednesday, February 1

humanity at 23 1/2

When I am old, what will I think of the time when twenty-three and a half was the age I was at?

I think people’s, and more generally—because this can be generalized—humanity’s, understanding, or, at least ponderance, of what is the meaning of this life lived, is changed to be one of scientific rationale and capitalistic commodity. Aside from those communities of minds religiously devoted, human parts have become interchangeable, pharmable in test tubes, as long as that ability to think, is still there, if our limbs were cut off and resynthesized, as long as that Descartes I am has place within this diminishing body that is ours, that is becoming more and more like occupied terroritory, tagged and priced, that is where life is still existential, and only so.

To the billion children of the new age where literacy is to walk and intellectualism and bastardized forms that exist like franchizes in capitalism are the arena where the remaining of life is lived, worked, and time spent: To enjoy, that bourgeouis outlet of energy, like gyms all over that are recepticles at the same time capitalistic institutions of profit that give us outlet to expend our human mitochondria calories, now that farmlife and physical movement as an economy are for the poor, exotically rural Others, is all that life is, just like heaven is the sky and hell is beneath the earth. To enjoy is life, and striving for that is what we are worth. But isn’t that how it always was? with those few exceptions, and altogether with different props, ridding of anachronisms along the way?

Gyms, from alien eyes, are those wheels mice run in, doing none of the fleeing from predators, towards food, molding a home (unless the predators are our anxieties and modern fears; our food the physical satisfaction of sweat, we consume that now that calories are in abundance; home, well, a place where many gather and share space?). Gyms—ever-expanding cyberspace, technoterritory, cable-satellite channels, games, games, games. Enjoyment.

But to catch up humanity amongst humans, this world, with this neo-human Revolution, and to be consistent, to give (get) integrity back to humans in tandem with the world now (what we’ve created, and is rolling fast)—that is the task of the artistic within the human. The creative—the ability to imagine not only what may be, but what is, since it is all subjective and changing, as a physicist and chemist, respectively, once said—in humans can be the applicable and practical, and it must be in order for any progress, for this catch-up to occur.


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