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Minding My Own Mind

Monday, June 4

Old people (relative to the young 21st century) adjust to change, but change came at a constant pace.

So when the pace of change itself speeds up, old people are not used to this acceleration and are fascinated by it. The change no longer seems one of their own environment--the kind of change that used to move along *with* them--and instead the change takes the form of some static foreign entity, like an artifact of some other country, whose culture was previously unknown. They satisfy their curiosity on the newfound object, pointing to any familiar aspects or architecture that was theirs, jutting out of the convolution, then retreat back to the familiar home.

Are we reaching a point where a generation's familiarity with acceleration (mine), itself is changing, moving in different contours not before described in the parameters of change: a 3rd dimension?

A mollusk is 0th dimension. An inchworm inching forward is 1 dimension. We, human beings, are the 2nd dimension. Birds and the fish occupy the third.


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