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Minding My Own Mind

Wednesday, August 24


The God of intentions is no longer human being; it's The Bank (1984).

Some component of human innateness has been tricked teased goaded conditioned and subsequently systematically rerouted to believe--spend your days--working with The Bloodless Bank as your God-goal for those daily hours, your capacitated (employed) life.

A lie fed is are the tokens (like at a videogame arcade) that are parcelled--the growth in your own Bank; the employment "Benefits"; etc.--at regular intervals, so you feel, and are actually, fulfilling your human obligations to some extent, in your own way, are made to believe, you think, your family. Sacrifice has many hues, but is one word. The language has been manipulated through time (the Industrial Revolution) by being retained to feign noble, to justify the trading in of humanness. The rest is a lie, and, if one is speaking of a singular human and the life lived, even that human part of it is a part of it, setup to deceptively satisfy, like hallucinogens.

After college, and before hitting the ground in WorkPlace, there's a period in the business called Orientation: A sad, ambitious new hire said, "I'm not adding value to the company yet."


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